Sunday, March 4, 2012

Sweet Kids

I've been so proud of the kids lately. I am seeing really good developments in them that bless me so much. I told you I was praying that we (all) would thrive during this deployment, that God would allow each of us the grace to go beyond just getting by until our family was "normal" again. I believe I am seeing an answer to that prayer.

For Genevieve, one of our most frequent comments to her (in correction) was that she was too intense with her brother. It is part of who she is. She is the epitome of an exclamation point. Her highs are high and her lows are low. Steve and I have really talked to her a lot about controlling her emotions instead of letting them control her. Though Elizabeth doesn't seem to mind her intensity so much, Stevie certainly does. He is frustrated by her abundant kisses and squeezes; he doesn't like her loud way of playing. Over the last couple of weeks, I have seen her respond to his rebuffs before I need to remind her of what we've discussed. I'm so thankful for this. She's also a great help to me, her and Elizabeth both. At the zoo a couple weeks ago they were like little mommies with my friend's children. The girls were the oldest ones, all the other kids were two and younger. They took hands and helped to corral the little ones. I'm so thankful for my little helpers.

Elizabeth continues to bless me with her love for homeschool (reading more than math), putting puzzles together on my bathroom floor (they just finished a 100 piece puzzle tonight!), and making Stevie laugh. The two of them really have a special bond. For a long time she was really apprehensive of swimming without water wings, but on Friday and today she was so brave! Though she is our tough one, Genna is more adventurous to try something new. We've encouraged Elizabeth for six months or so (off and on) to try swimming and she flatly refused. The last two swimming opportunities, though, what a change! It is so fun to have her run up to me and excitedly exclaim that she swam!

Just last night Stevie learned to do a summer-salt! Before Steve left he would put his head on the floor and the girls would push him over. I'm continually amazed at this boy! I've got it all on video, which is really great. His obedience training (makes him sound like a puppy!) is also going so well. Especially when we are out, he is very obedient to my voice. I'm really thankful for this since I'll need him to obey what I say when the new baby comes. Thankfully there is still a month or so to continue working on it. Like his sisters, he doesn't throw huge fits, though unlike them he is way more physical than verbal. That pretty much describes the male gender though!

I know Steve will see the changes in the kids right away when he comes; my prayer is that he is blessed by all God has done and continues to do in our family.

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