Sunday, August 21, 2011

At the end of a long road

I'm finally finished! Whew, that was a long three years. The whole thing began with the desire to be able to support a ministry, and prayer for money to do so. God led me to use my GI Bill at Liberty University, and in the summer of 2008 I began college classes. I began part-time; I had two young daughters to look after and a Navy man to support. Looking back, those first classes were so EASY! What was I thinking, only part-time?
Well life went on and those two young daughters grew and I began to homeschool Genevieve. At the same time I became pregnant with our third child. We faced a fork in the road, something had to give. I couldn't homeschool will my full attention because I also had my degree on the stove cooking away. So, like Stygers, our decision was to dive in deeper and finish a little quicker. I took on a full load of college classes, and thankfully God provided help with the kids so I could have a bit more time to study.
The last year has been rather crazy, and my home has been a perpetual state of messy. But, I'm done, at last!

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