Tuesday, April 24, 2012

A Day of Moments

I recently heard that the question, "How was your day?" is the question most people desire to be asked.  Interesting, isn't it?  We just want someone to care about our day, a place where we can lay it all down and move on into tomorrow.  So, I'm pretending that someone has just asked me, "JoAnne, how was your day?"

My day, oh my day!  It began so well, the first moments were great.  I was up early with cup of coffee and my Bible, my journal and my "The Power of a Praying Wife" book.  I had a blessed time of reading, praying, and journaling.  It has really been a while since I've had the hour before sunrise to myself like that.  The girls woke up first; Genevieve naked and all smiles, and Elizabeth wearing her brother's batman pajamas, a bit cranky and cold.  My girls usually wake up this way.  We had a sweet moment of cuddling on the love seat before Charlie woke up.  As I nursed him, Elizabeth asked me to read from their Children's Encyclopedia.  I had a fun moment of demonstrating the rotation of the Earth to them.
After breakfast my friend Caroline offered to watch the kids while I went for my daily run.  I took Stevie in the Bob stroller and we started out.  It was a beautiful, windy, cool morning.  About 15 minutes into it I saw something that reminded me of Genna's art class.  I had forgotten Genna's art class!  As I ran home I was so frustrated with myself.  Yesterday we almost missed a housing appointment.  Get it together, JoAnne!  Well we made it to art and back, whew!
I made the kids a snack and while eating a pear Elizabeth lost her first tooth!  I couldn't believe how quickly my little girl was growing up.  She really wanted to be able to tell her Dad, and he happened to call soon after that!  It was great to be able to share the news with him.
As the afternoon went on my day got really difficult.  Stevie wouldn't take a nap, Charlie was crying a lot and I just couldn't figure out why.  All of this distracted me from the girls so they weren't doing their school work.  I felt like I had needs popping up all around me and I couldn't meet them all.  Finally I got Stevie to go down, but Charlie was still crying.  I gave up.  The girls were kind of doing work but I just took Charlie upstairs and got into bed with him.  We both fell asleep.
At some point Elizabeth brought me my phone, covered in gunk from her fingers, telling me someone had called.  Yuck.  It had been plugged in to charge, oh well.  I went back to sleep and Caroline took the girls to the beach encouraging me to come out if I had the energy.
The phone rang, what do you know I had it next to me, it was Steve.  To hear his voice at that moment was like flowers on a bad day.  We shared our rough days with each other, but it couldn't be the same.  I think my favorite part of the day is when Steve comes home and we are able to share, unload the burden of thoughts, feelings, hurts, all things deeply personal, with each other.  Though it wasn't the same as having him home, I was so thankful to get this unexpected call.
The burden of my day was unloaded, but I now had the burden of my dearest one's heart.  I so hate not being with him.  What should I do?  Stevie was waking up, crying and cranky, and Charlie needed to eat soon.  Caroline's encouragement to come out to the beach was on my mind.  Should I, could I?

I did.  The boys and I loaded up and drove out to beautiful waters and the setting sun.  The last moments of my day have been good: praying for my husband, sharing a meal with my family, bathing my rascally toddler, cuddling, singing, reading, kisses good night.

So, how was your day? 

1 comment:

Wyodaho Cardons said...

Bless your heart. It is so hard dealing with a day like that, and then to be by yourself! Glad you at least got a glimmer of your dear Steve in the midst of all of that. You are so strong, my friend!