Monday, April 23, 2012

Life Overwhelming

I am amazed at how much time has passed since I last blogged.  I wonder if I'll ever be able to recapture the memories of the last five weeks.  The reason I am sitting here now is because I know the experiences of those last weeks have taught me so much and I don't want to forget.  For a VERY brief overview, here is what has happened:
  • My husband deployed in February.
  • The engine in our "new" minivan died.
  • My fourth child, due to arrive April 11th, was born March 21st, three weeks early.
  • An amazing woman of God, Caroline, was staying with us and watched the kids while I was at the hospital.
  • My parents dropped everything, changed their flights, and flew in to Honolulu within 36 hours of my calling to tell them Charlie was on his way.
  • My dear friends, with families of their own, dropped everything to be at the hospital with me, for a very long 36 hours.
  • With the help of my Dad, I bought a new 2012 Toyota Sienna.
  • Those in charge of Steve's sub decided that he did not need to fly home since the baby was born and we were both doing well.
What I want to say as I look back over the time that has gone by, is how overwhelming the presence of God has been for me.  If anyone had told me in February exactly what we were about to endure, I would have said, "No, I cannot possibly bear that."  The truth is, I am not really bearing the weight of all that has happened.  From the first bullet point to the last (as goofy as that sounds), I have felt the tangible presence of Jesus in our lives.  When the car died, we were provided with free transportation, for many weeks.  When I began to bleed and needed to go to the hospital at am, a woman my children knew and loved was already staying with us to care for them when they woke up.  When I called my Mom, scared and confused as to what to do, the Spirit guided her words and allowed her and my Dad to jump on an airplane.  Within hours, countless people knew I was in the hospital and began to pray for our safety.  At the birth of my son, women who loved me and have been sisters in Christ for years were there to help through the most difficult labor I've endured.  We have experienced an outpouring of love in the form of phone calls, emails, meals, gifts, cards, shopping trips, encouraging words, and prayers.  When my parents left after their two week trip, the Lord provided the same friend to stay with us and help for two more weeks.  These people are more than supportive, they are the hands and feet of Jesus bringing His love into our world.  We have been overwhelmed by Him.

1 comment:

Wyodaho Cardons said...

I am in tears! Praise God-- you are such a beautiful woman who shines for HIM.